Práticas da História No. 2

Mar 6, 2018 | 2016, Editions, Práticas da História

Práticas da História – Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past

  • 2016
  • Volume 1, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 2183-590X

Editorial Note:
The second issue of Práticas da História: Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past deepens and diversifies the questions explored in the previous volume, encompassing new themes and meth-odologies in order to expand the exercise of discussion we set forth.
The articles’ section opens with a paper by Jeffrey Barash about the notion of ‘collective memory’ which discusses the relationship be-tween time, memory and historical past. Next, João Ohara analyses Brazilian professional historiography through Herman Paul’s concepts of ‘epistemic virtue’ and ‘scholarly self’. The third article, by Marcello de Assunção, addresses the convergence of the Portuguese historiography of the 1940s with the salazarist discourse of historical unity between Brazil and Portugal, with a focus on the journal Brasília. This is followed by Daniel Alves’ paper about the discourse on digital technologies in Humanities, questioning the innovative dimension of such discourse as well as the context in which it has developed. The section concludes with an article from Tomás Vallera on the implicit basis of Portuguese studies about the history of the police.
Besides these articles, the issue includes five more texts. Based on analysis of the exhibition Os InquéritosFotografia e ao Território]: Paisagem e povoamento, Lais Pereira’s essay reflects about the history of photographic practices in contemporary Portugal. Fernando Rosas revisits his historiographical path since the 1970s, in a conversation with Luís Trindade. We also publish Elisa Lopes da Silva’s interview with British historian Patrick Joyce, addressing questions such as the impact of class and his Irish background in his work. Finally, this issue includes Miguel Cardina’s review of the book Regressos Quase Perfeitos. Memórias da Guerra em Angola (by Maria José Lobo Antunes) and Ana Catarina Pinto’s review of the book Entre a Morte e o Mito:Políticas da memória da I Guerra Mundial (1918-1933) (by Sílvia Correia).

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