Advanced Studies
Platform of Advanced Studies
The Platform of Advanced Studies Platform (PAS) aims to frame the work carried out by the IHC in terms of doctoral training and to create a common space for doctoral students who have the IHC as the host institution for their doctorates, regardless of the different doctoral programmes in which they are enrolled. It promotes various activities aimed at and co-organised by doctoral students. The PAS serves the purpose of a broad mentoring scheme in an inclusive research environment, in which PhD students discuss chapters, coursework samples and grant applications with specialists. It also promotes research initiation fellowships.
Doctoral Programmes
The IHC is associated with five Doctoral Programmes: four at the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH) and one at the University of Évora (coordinated by Maria de Fátima Nunes)..
- Doctoral Programme in History (NOVA FCSH)
- Doctoral Programme in Globalisation Studies (NOVA FCSH)
- Doctoral Programme in Anthropology (NOVA FCSH / Iscte-IUL)
- Doctoral Programme in Modern Literatures and Cultures (NOVA FCSH)
- Doctoral Programme in History and Philosophy of Science (University of Évora)
IHC Summer School
The IHC Summer School is organised by the IHC centre at the University of Évora. Each edition centres around a theme and is open to doctoral students from any institution.
Annual Doctoral Workshop
The Annual Doctoral Workshop is co-organised each year by doctoral students assisted by senior researchers (mentors).
- 2021 — The Challenges of Global History
- 2022 — The Threads that Sew Memory: Part I / Part II
José Medeiros Ferreira Lecture
The José Medeiros Ferreira Lecture marks the start of the academic year of the PhD Programme in History at NOVA FCSH, and is organised on a rotating basis by the schools’s various history research centres. It honours the IHC historian who died in 2014.
Lectures hosted by the IHC:
- 2017 — Inaugural lecture — David Priestland (University of Oxford): Visions of October: 1917 from Bolshevism to Post-Crisis Capitalism [link] [video]
- 2020 — Duncan Simpson (ICS — University of Lisbon): PIDE and the Portuguese society: methodological reflections and results of ongoing research [link]
- 2023 — Sue Onslow (King’s College London): The Monarchy and the Commonwealth [link]
Research Seminar
Cycle of seminars where ongoing research is discussed critically and constructively.
Each session discusses two doctoral research projects in progress, with 10-minute presentations, followed by comments from one doctoral student and one IHC PhD researcher, and a constructive collective discussion. Participants provide a work in advance, which could be: (i) a research proposal submitted to the FCT or the IHC for a fellowship or grant, (ii) the final course work presented at the end of the academic part of the Doctoral Programme, (iii) a chapter of the future doctoral thesis.
Prior reading of the work is a condition of participation in the sessions, which take place mainly online, via Zoom.
Ongoing PhD projects
List of PhD projects underway at the IHC in 2022:
- Alexandre de Sousa — “Os congressos do Partido Republicano Português” [The congresses of the Portuguese Republican Party], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Paulo Jorge Fernandes.
- António João — “A criminalização das práticas homossexuais ao tempo do Estado Novo: poderes, saberes e experiência” [The criminalisation of homosexual practices at the time of the Estado Novo], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by José Neves and Tiago Pires Marques.
- Bruna Oliveira Santiago — “Produção e circulação de periódicos ilustrados em Portugal e no Brasil durante a segunda metade do século XIX: agentes e espaços” [Production and circulation of illustrated periodicals in Portugal and Brazil during the second half of the 19th century], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Daniel Alves and Anais Flechet.
- Catarina Teixeira — “O ‘Museu de Anatomia’ da Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa (1825-1970): a biografia de um acervo invisível” [The ‘Museum of Anatomy’ at the School of Medicine in Lisbon], PhD in History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Évora, supervised by Elisabete Pereira.
- Cristina Marques — “O Instituto Superior Técnico e a Internacionalização de Escolas Universitárias. Políticas Científicas e Práticas Laboratoriais (1945-1974)” [The Instituto Superior Técnico and the Internationalisation of University Schools], PhD in History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Évora, supervised by Maria de Fátima Nunes and Quintino Lopes.
- Daniel Freire Santos — “Vou à bola! Culturas Adeptas, Economia Política e Estado na História do Futebol em Portugal (1910-2020)” [Fan Cultures, Political Economy and the State in the History of Football in Portugal], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by José Neves and Nuno Domingos.
- Diogo Ferreira — “Setúbal entre Guerras (1919-1945): Um itinerário de história local” [Setúbal between the Wars], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Ana Paula Pires.
- Eduardo Relvas — “Fiat automobilitas: Industry, resistances and technopolitics in post-World War II Europe”, PhD in History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Évora, supervised by Quintino Lopes and Maria Luísa Sousa.
- Gil Gonçalves — “Populismo, Carisma e acção colectiva – lideranças políticas no Portugal do século XX” [Populism, charisma and collective action], PhD in Globalisation Studies, supervised by José Neves.
- Henrique Oliveira — “A Ponte Sobre o Tejo e a Construção do Portugal Moderno (1959-1974)” [The Bridge Over the Tagus and the Construction of Modern Portugal], PhD in Globalisation Studies, supervised by José Neves and Tiago Saraiva.
- Henrique Entratice — “Sobreviver em confinamento museológico: bonecas karajá, diplomacia cultural e memória ameríndia” [Karajá dolls, cultural diplomacy and Amerindian memory], PhD in Anthropology at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Paula Godinho, Ema Pires, and Manuel Lima Filho.
- Inês José — “Alimentar na Guerra e na Paz: Os impactos económicos e sociais da escassez” [Feeding in War and Peace], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Ana Paula Pires.
- Inês Ferreira de Almeida — “Corpos Femininos, Presos Políticos: A Violência Policial face às Mulheres na Resistência ao Regime Fascista” [Police Violence against Women in the Resistance to the Fascist Regime], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Giulia Strippoli and Maria Alice Samara.
- Joana Beato Ribeiro— “Identidade(s) científica(s): o património documental de Fernando da Silva Correia (1893-1966)” [The documentary heritage of Fernando da Silva Correia], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Maria de Lurdes Rosa, Maria de Fátima Nunes, and Paula Ochôa.
- Joana Matias — “Arquivo reparativo: publicações independentes e a historiografia queer portuguesa” [Independent publications and portuguese queer historiography], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Rita Luís.
- João Luiz dos Santos Junior — “Presentismo e historicismo na historiografia da Antropologia: representações da produção vitoriana no século XX” [Presentism and historicism in the historiography of anthropology], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Frederico Delgado Rosa.
- João Luís Sequeira — “Humanizar a arqueologia industrial – Desigualdade, identidade e conflito na fábrica e as inter-relações no património arqueológico industrial do Século XX” [Inequality, identity and conflict in the factory and the interrelationships in 20th century industrial archaeological heritage], PhD in History and Heritage at the University of Minho, supervised by José Manuel Lopes Cordeiro.
- João Pedro Santos — “Industrialização e Desindustrialização na Região de Setúbal – Para uma História Cultural do Trabalho” [Industrialisation and Deindustrialisation in the Setúbal Region], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by José Neves and Pedro Ramos Pinto.
- João Peixoto — “Medicina e Património cultural em Tomar: o caso do Dr. José Vieira da Silva Guimarães” [Medicine and cultural heritage in Tomar: the case of José Vieira da Silva Guimarães], PhD in History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Évora, supervised by Ana Cristina Martins.
- Joaquim Melon Simões — “O Conselho de Saúde Pública e as políticas sanitárias oitocentistas (1837-1868)” [The Public Health Council and 19th century health policies], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Paulo Jorge Fernandes.
- Jorge Mano Torres — “O Instituto Nacional do Trabalho e Previdência e o Corporativismo Português (1933-1974)” [The National Labour and Welfare Institute and Portuguese Corporatism], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Paula Borges Santos and Fátima Moura Ferreira.
- José Augusto Pereira — “O império Português e as Migrações: o caso de Cabo Verde e S. Tomé e Príncipe entre 1930 e 1974” [The Portuguese Empire and Migrations], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Raquel Varela, Leo Lucasen, and Jorge Fontes.
- José Caetano — [title to be reported] PhD in History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Évora, supervised by Maria de Fátima Nunes.
- Leonor Pires Martins — “Amílcar Cabral, uma biografia das biografias” [Amílcar Cabral, a biography of biographies], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by José Neves and Rui Lopes.
- Luísa Seixas — “História e(m) comunidade: morfologias, potencialidades e limites” [History in Community], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Maria Fernanda Rollo and Maria Inês Queiroz.
- Maria José Oliveira — “A emigração económica portuguesa na Guerra Civil de Espanha. Galiza e nas Astúrias (1936-1945): combatentes pela República, vítimas do Franquismo” [Portuguese economic emigration during the Spanish Civil War], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Fernando Rosas and Rubén Veja Garcia.
- Maria Manuela Gomes — “A Fotografia de Amador e de Salão em Portugal, através da Secção de Fotografia do Grupo Desportivo da C.U.F. (1951-1963)” [Amateur and Salon Photography in Portugal], PhD in Art History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Filomena Serra, Margarida Medeiros, and Maria Emília Baptista.
- Mariana Almeida — “O azulejo Português em Cabo Verde” [The Portuguese tiles in Cape Verde], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Rosa Varela Gomes.
- Mariana Rei — “Das capitais do têxtil às capitais da cultura: classes, património e (i)mobilidades no contexto Guimarães-Lille” [From textile capitals to culture capitals], PhD in Anthropology at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Paula Godinho, José Manuel Lopes Cordeiro, and Florence Hachez-Leroy.
- Mariana Castro — “Contrabando na Fronteira: Controlo, Repressão e Resistência (1919-1949)” [Smuggling on the Border], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Paula Borges Santos and Ana Paula Pires.
- Miguel Pedras — “O marquês de Soveral: ação política e diplomática (1891-1910)” [The Marquis of Soveral: political and diplomatic action], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Pedro Urbano and Jane Ridley.
- Miguel Filipe Silva — “À Urna pelo Socialismo! Ação Política e Municipal do Partido Socialista da Cidade do Porto (1910-1926)” [Political and Municipal Action of the Socialist Party of Porto], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Pedro Aires Oliveira and José Maciel Honrado Santos.
- Natália Melo — “Um papel para os museus e centros de ciência da Península Ibérica: explorar novos caminhos de comunicação das Alterações Climáticas” [A role for the Iberian Peninsula’s museums and science centres], PhD in History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Évora, supervised by Maria Fátima Nunes, Anabela Carvalho, and Pedro Casaleiro.
- Pamela Peres Cabreira — “Mulheres da Sogantal em luta: autogestão e operariado durante o período revolucionário português (1974-1985)” [Self-management and the labour movement during the Portuguese revolutionary period], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Virgínia Baptista and Raquel Varela.
- Paulo Alexandre Alves — ““Altos funcionários do Estado” e “Príncipes da Igreja”: o episcopado na Monarquia constitucional portuguesa (1848-1910)” [The episcopate in the Portuguese constitutional monarchy], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Daniel Alves and Sérgio Ribeiro Pinto.
- Paulo Jorge — “A resistência ao Estado Novo no concelho de Almada (1961-1974)” [Resistance to the Estado Novo in the municipality of Almada], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Pedro Aires Oliveira and Maria Alice Samara.
- Pedro Mota Tavares — “Produção, circulação e consumo: sistemas agrícolas e estratificação social na fronteira de Trás-os-Montes (1756-1864)” [Agricultural systems and social stratification on the border of Trás-os-Montes], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Daniel Alves and Hortensio Correa.
- Pedro Rei — “A Esquerda Católica e os Cristãos pelo Socialismo em Portugal” [The Catholic Left and Christians for Socialism in Portugal], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by José Neves.
- Raquel Afonso — “Homossexualidade, lesbianismo e resistência nas ditaduras ibéricas do século XX: estudos de caso em comparação” [Homosexuality, lesbianism and resistance in 20th century Iberian dictatorships], PhD in Gender Studies at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Fernando Cascais.
- Rebeca Ávila — “Brasil, Cuba e as violências políticas em África. Colonialidade e racialidade durante a Guerra Fria (1961-1988)” [Brazil, Cuba and political violence in Africa], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Aurora Almada e Santos and Waldo Ansaldi.
- Rita Lucas Narra — “A Criação do “Terceiro Mundo”: Um Estudo a Partir do Fim do Império Colonial Português” [The Creation of the Third World], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by José Neves.
- Rui Aballe Vieira — “Soldados invisíveis: Combatentes Portugueses na Guerra Civil de Espanha (1936-1939)” [Portuguese fighters in the Spanish Civil War], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Pedro Aires Oliveira.
- Sofia Lisboa — “O Museu Nacional Resistência e Liberdade (Peniche) e a Memória da Violência Política do Século XX: Estudo Comparado entre Portugal, a África do Sul e o Chile” [The National Museum of Resistance and Freedom (Peniche) and the Memory of Political Violence in the 20th Century], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by José Neves.
- Sofia Victorino — “Decolonising Contemporary Art Institutions: The Role of Socially Engaged Practices and Global Networks of Solidarity”, PhD in Globalisation Studies at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Manuela Ribeiro Sanches and Michael Newman.
- Tomás Diel — “Por bem ou por Mao: o pensamento maoísta na construção política da União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola (1966 – 1975)” [Maoist thought in the political construction of the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Pedro Aires Oliveira.
- Wilson Ricardo Mingorance — “Arquivos de Governação Colonial e Pós-Colonial: percursos e histórico de custódia entre Portugal e Brasil durante os séculos XIX e XX” [Archives of Colonial and Post-Colonial Governance], PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Maria de Lurdes Rosa, Ana Canas, and Paulo Jorge Fernandes.
- Wynton Guess — “Making Up Trap, A History of Trap Music, Youth Culture and the 2008 crisis”, PhD in History at NOVA FCSH, supervised by Rui Cidra, Marcos Cardão, and José Neves.
Completed PhD Projects
A list will be published here of all the doctoral projects that have been hosted by the IHC and that have already ended with the successful defence of the doctoral thesis. The list is as exhaustive as possible, but there may be some gaps. If you spot any, please contact us via
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