Pedro Rei



Pedro J. Silva Rei was born in Lisbon in November 1991. He has a degree in History from the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities, for which he received the Merit and Excellence Award – Best Graduates (2014). In 2017, he completed his Master’s degree in Contemporary History at the same school with the dissertation: “Ser Bispo entre a Monarquia e a República. D. António Mendes Bello, um príncipe leonino em Portugal (1885-1911).” [Being a Bishop between the Monarchy and the Republic. D. António Mendes Bello, a leonine prince in Portugal (1885-1911)]. He is currently working on his PhD project, with a scholarship of the Foundation for Science and Technology, at the IHC — NOVA FCSH, entitled “A Esquerda Católica e os Cristãos pelo Socialismo em Portugal” [The Catholic Left and Christians for Socialism in Portugal].

In recent years she has also collaborated with the Centro de Estudos de História Religiosa of the Portuguese Catholic University, integrating the research projects: “A Construção da Administração Pública. Os Funcionários Eclesiásticos do Estado Liberal no Espaço do Patriarcado de Lisboa (1820-1911)” [The Construction of Public Administration. The Ecclesiastical Officials of the Liberal State in the Space of the Patriarchate of Lisbon (1820-1911)] (2017); “A história de uma congregação feminina na contemporaneidade portuguesa. As Servas de Nossa Senhora de Fátima: identidade e memória” [The history of a female congregation in contemporary Portugal. The Handmaids of Our Lady of Fatima: identity and memory] (2018). And also, as a member of the secretariat of the meeting “Oito Séculos da Presença Franciscana em Portugal – Memória e Vivência” [Eight Centuries of Franciscan Presence in Portugal – Memory and Experience] (2018).


Research fields

  • Contemporary religious history
  • Religion and politics
  • Secularisation and secularity
  • Modernity and tradition

Selected publications

  • Rei, Pedro, Rita Leite & Cátia Tuna, “Libertação,” in Dicionário de ciência da religião, organised by Frank Usarski, Alfredo
    Teixeira and João Décio Passos, 610-616. São Paulo: Paulinas / Loyola / Paulus, 2022. [link]
  • Rei, Pedro Silva. “Os Cristãos pelo Socialismo em Portugal: uma história por contar. Subsídios para uma aproximação do mapa intelectual do Movimento,” Lusitania Sacra 39 (2019): 153-173. [link]🔓


Main projects

  • A Esquerda Católica e os Cristãos pelo Socialismo em Portugal” [The Catholic Left and Christians for Socialism in Portugal] — PhD thesis to be presented to the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities, supervised by José Neves (IHC — NOVA FCSH). Individual PhD project funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (SFRH/BD/138642/2018). 2019-


Institute of Contemporary History
Av. Berna, 26 C 1069-061 LISBOA
 Tel.: +351 21 7908300 ext. 1545


Monday to Friday
10.00h – 13.00h / 14.00h – 18.00h