
The Governing Bodies of the IHC were elected on 12 September 2023.


The IHC Board of Directors is composed of eight members:

President: Luís Trindade

Vice-Presidents: Ana Isabel Queiroz and Rui Lopes

Members: Elisabete Pereira, Joana Dias Pereira, Raquel Ribeiro, and Victor Pereira


The General Assembly has a Board of three members:

President: Raquel Pereira Henriques

Vice-president: Ana Cristina Martins

Member: Daniel Alves


The Supervisory Board has three members:

President: Jorge M. Pedreira

Members: Maria do Mar Gago and Ricardo Noronha


The IHC has a multidisciplinary scientific management team of four:

Diana Barbosa
Science communication officer and press officer
✉️ // 📞 +351 217 908 300 ext. 40354
She has a Biology degree from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. Has been engaged in science communication since 2010. She worked in exhibitions, as a translator, trainer and producer of science dissemination activities and the promotion of scientific culture. Since 2016, she is responsible for the management of science communication at the IHC.
Fotografia da Elisa Lopes da Silva Dilar Cascalheira
Financial management
✉️ // 📞 +351 217 908 390
Fotografia do Pedro Martins Pedro Martins
Editorial management
✉️ // 📞 +351 217 908 300 ext. 40355
He has a PhD in Contemporary History from the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities and from the University of Lucerne (Switzerland). He has mainly worked on research related to the history of tourism, uses of the past, cinema, and child labour. Since 2020, he is the director of Práticas da História. Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past.
Fotografia da Paula Gentil Santos Paula Gentil Santos
IHC’s assistant at the University of Évora
✉️ // 📞 +351 266 740 800
Masters in Management, with specialisation in Human Resources. Degree in International Relations. With 22 years of experience in the management and implementation of national and international projects. Senior Technician in the Science and Cooperation Services — Technical Support Office for Research Units and Chairs at University of Évora.



The Permanent External Scientific Advisory Committee (CEPAC) carries out monitoring and advisory functions on the research activities developed in the framework of the IHC.

It is composed of Five academics:


Fotografias dos membros da CEPAC 2020-2023: Diego Palacios Cerezales, Ewa Domanska, Melanie Torrent, Stefan Berger e Xosé Manoel Núñez Seixas

From left to right: Diego Palacios Cerezales, Ewa Domanska, Melanie Torrent, Stefan Berger, and Xosé Manoel Núñez Seixas.


The process of appointing a new Researcher Ombudsman at the IHC is underway, as established in Articles 10 and 32 of the IHC Regulations.

She is responsible for “the arbitration of any dispute not resolved within the scope established by the field of action of the Board of Directors, General Assembly, Supervisory Board, or Scientific Committee of the IHC”, issuing non-binding opinions.




Institute of Contemporary History
Av. Berna, 26 C 1069-061 LISBOA
 Tel.: +351 21 7908300 ext. 1545


Monday to Friday
10.00h - 13.00h / 14.00h - 18.00h