Maria Cândida Proença

Maria Cândida Proença

Culture, Identities, and Power Contact: NOVA Research Portal Curriculum Vitae Biography Degree in History (FLUL); Master in History of the 19th and 20th centuries (NOVA FCSH); PhD in Cultural History and Mentalities of the 19th and 20th...
Leonor Sá

Leonor Sá

Culture, Identities, and Power Contact: NOVA Research Portal Curriculum Vitae Biography Leonor Sá é Conservadora Responsável do Museu de Polícia Judiciária e Investigadora do Instituto de História Contemporânea da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa e...
Jorge Custódio

Jorge Custódio

Economy and Society Contact: NOVA Research Portal Curriculum Vitae Biography Jorge Custódio was born in Santarém (1947). He studied at the Liceu Nacional Sá da Bandeira and graduated from the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of...
Giulia Strippoli

Giulia Strippoli

Culture, Identities, and Power Contact: Curriculum Vitae Biography Giulia Strippoli received her PhD in History (2012, Università degli Studi di Torino). From 2019, she is a researcher in contemporary history at the NOVA School of Social...
Fernando Dores Costa

Fernando Dores Costa

Culture, Identities, and Power Contact: NOVA Research Portal  /  Academia Curriculum Vitae Biography Desenvolve, desde há 40 anos, vários projectos de investigação em história social com perspectivas inovadoras, desde a época da Guerra da...
Elisabetta Girotto

Elisabetta Girotto

Political History – Regimes, Transitions, and Memory Contact: NOVA Research Portal Curriculum Vitae Biography PhD at the doctoral school in history of the University of Tuscia and Marie Curie Fellow in 2009 at ICS — ULisboa; from 2010 to 2018...