Ana Paula Figueira

Ana Paula Figueira

History of Science, Technology, and the Environment Contact: ORCiD Curriculum Vitae Biography Ana Paula M. P. Figueira has a PhD in Business Management (Marketing). She completed her post-doctorate at the Centre of Geographical Studies (IGOT/University...
Rita Sampaio da Nóvoa

Rita Sampaio da Nóvoa

Culture — Power, Mediations, and Arts Contact: NOVA Research Portal / Academia Curriculum Vitae Biography Rita Sampaio da Nóvoa is currently a PhD researcher at the VINCULUM project, funded by the ERC and hosted by NOVA University Lisbon. She has...
Maria de Lurdes Rosa

Maria de Lurdes Rosa

Culture — Power, Mediations, and Arts Contact: NOVA Research Portal Curriculum Vitae Biography PhD in Medieval History from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales / NOVA University Lisbon. She teaches in the History Department of NOVA...
Ana Mafalda Lopes

Ana Mafalda Lopes

Culture — Power, Mediations, and Arts Contact: Curriculum Vitae Biography She holds a PhD in History from an Inter-University Doctoral Program in History at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon, funded by the Foundation for...
Miguel Aguiar

Miguel Aguiar

Culture — Power, Mediations, and Arts Contact: NOVA Research Portal Curriculum Vitae Biography He holds a PhD in History from the Universities of Porto and Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (2021) and is a researcher on the VINCULUM project (Grant...
Catarina Simões

Catarina Simões

History of Science, Technology, and Environment Contact: NOVA Research Portal Curriculum Vitae Biography Post-doctoral research fellow for the TRANSMAT project. Between 2017 and 2023, she was a research fellow at the National Museum of...