IHC grants seven PhD Scholarships

Dec 14, 2020 | News

Following the IHC’s evaluation process by the FCT, and after a very competitive international selection process that lasted several months, the IHC awarded seven new mixed PhD Scholarships, that is, to be carried out in Portugal and in another country.

The seven PhD students, from Portugal and Brazil, are enrolled in several doctoral programs at the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities, in Lisbon, namely in History, Anthropology and Studies on Globalization. In addition to the research carried out at NOVA, doctoral students will undertake research stays in Argentina, Brazil, Spain, France, and the United Kingdom. Of these new researchers, only two, Miguel Ribeiro Pedras and Pamela Peres Cabreira, were already integrated in the IHC as doctoral students.

The topics to be studied are as varied as: the circulation of illustrated periodicals in Portugal and Brazil (Bruna Oliveira Santiago), karajá dolls and cultural diplomacy (Henrique Entratice), the political and diplomatic action of the Marquis of Soveral (Miguel Ribeiro Pedras), self-management and workers in Sogantal (Pamela Cabreira), agricultural systems and social stratification on the border of Trás-os-Montes (Pedro Mota Tavares), coloniality and raciality during the Cold War (Rebeca Ávila), and the decolonization of contemporary art institutions (Sofia Victorino).


Images: (1) front header of the magazine A Illustração Luso-Brasileira (Source: Hemeroteca Digital de Lisboa); (2) karajá doll (Credit: Kely Carvalho); (3) Luis Maria Pinto, Marquis of Soveral. Men of the Day. No. 704. (Source: National Portrait Gallery); (4) Sogantal workers (Source: O Caso Sogantal, RTP Archives); (5) «Die »Landschaft Entre Duero und Traz-los Montes, n. 526, Franz J. Joseph von Reilly, 1799-1802 (Source: National Library of Portugal); (6) Cuban tank in Angola (Source: Wikimedia Commons); (7) Veins aligned, Otobong Nkanga, 2018 (Credit: Fabio Omero).


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