Daniel Alves curates exhibition on revolutionary Lisbon

May 22, 2024 | News

Daniel Alves was challenged to be the scientific curator of the exhibition “Lisbon in revolution, 1383-1974“, which will open next Saturday, 25 May, at the Museum of Lisbon – Pimenta Palace, as part of the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of 25 April 1974.

The aim of the exhibition was to highlight the city and its inhabitants as protagonists of various revolutionary movements, given that Lisbon has been the driving force behind many political and social ruptures since the Middle Ages. Six of these moments of tension were selected — 1383-1385, 1640, 1820, 1836, 1910 and 1974 — “to tell stories of resistance and change, the reinvention of identity values, human rights and freedom”. More than a hundred pieces from dozens of institutions, including the Museum of Lisbon itself, helped to illustrate and tell a story of the revolutions in Lisbon, in honour of the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution.

On display until 5 January 2025, the exhibition will be complemented by a wide range of activities aimed at different audiences, including schools, along with five guided tours by the scientific curator.


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