Centenary of Amílcar Cabral and the IHC

Centenary of Amílcar Cabral and the IHC

In recent years, the IHC has excelled in research, organising events and publications about Amílcar Cabral. With his centenary on 12 September, we would like to take this opportunity to highlight the various initiatives surrounding one of the main figures in...
Rui Lopes premieres film-essay “Aventuras no Império”

Rui Lopes premieres film-essay “Aventuras no Império”

The film-essay Aventuras no Império: uma história mal contada [Adventures in the Empire: a poorly told story], written and directed by Rui Lopes, premiered today at Fidelidade Arte Lisboa, as part of the cinema cycle that accompanies the exhibition The Floor is Lava!....