Cláudia Ninhos in the Portuguese delegation of the IHRA

Jul 15, 2022 | News

Cláudia Ninhos participated in the plenary meeting of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), as a member of the Portuguese delegation. Under the motto “Together for impact”, the meeting took place under the presidency of Sweden, between the 20 and 23 June, twenty years after the adoption of the Stockholm Declaration, and was attended by more than 200 people.

In addition, the IHC researcher participated in the meeting of the project “Monitoring Access to Holocaust Collections“, which has already resulted in the publication of the document “Guidelines for Identifying Relevant Documentation for Holocaust Research, Education and Remembrance“, available at this link.

The IHRA is an organization that aims to promote education, research, and remembrance of the Holocaust and the Roma genocide, bringing together experts and official representatives from 35 countries. Since 2019, Portugal has been a full member of this international organization.


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