june, 2024

06jun(jun 6)10:00 am07(jun 7)5:00 pmUses of the Past in the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution2nd Congress Public History in Portugal10:00 am - 5:00 pm (7) Aljube Museum, Rua de Augusto Rosa, 42 — 1100-059 LisbonEvent Type :Congress

Detalhe do cartaz do segundo congresso de História Pública em Portugal, “Usos do Passado nos 50 Anos da Revolução dos Cravos”.


Event Details

Congress with the aim to analyse the evolution of the uses of the past since 1974, highlighting what is hidden and uncovered in the public sphere.


Uses of the Past in the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution
2nd Congress Public History in Portugal



In 2024, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Portuguese revolution, which put an end to the longest European dictatorship and colonial empire. The dictatorial and colonial past, and the revolutionary process, assume a prominent place in academic research, but also in the public debate in Portugal, since the creation, preservation and reconstruction of the memory of authoritarian experiences, as well as the processes of resistance and rupture, still shape the understanding of the present. The goal of this congress is to analyse the evolution of the uses of the past since 1974, highlighting what is hidden and uncovered in the public sphere.


>> 📎 Programme (PDF, in Portuguese) <<



🔗 (Free) registration HERE

🔗 Zoom access




Call for communications


The aim is to bring together contributions that allow us to identify and understand different forms of memorialisation, inscription and concealment of memories of the dictatorship, resistance, (de)colonization and revolutionary process, seeking to account for the narratives and practices, consensus, dissent and silence that manifest themselves in the public sphere, and its evolution over the last 50 years.

We welcome communication proposals related to:

  • Difficult and conflicting memories
  • (In)visibilization of the revolutionary rupture
  • (De)obscuration and colonial reparation
  • Museums and “places of memory”
  • Formal and non-formal education
  • Public art and artistic performativities
  • Official and underground speeches
  • Visitability and tourism


Deadline for proposal submission: 30 March 2024

🔗 Proposal submission: HERE (in Portuguese).


Organisation: IN2PAST

Email: historiapublica@fcsh.unl.pt


>> 📎 Download the call for papers (PDF, in Portuguese) <<



Coordinating Committee:


Cristina Pratas Cruzeiro (IHA – NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST)
Joana Dias Pereira (IHC – NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST)
Joana Miguel Almeida (CRIA – NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST)
Maria Fátima Ferreira (Lab2PT – UMinho / IN2PAST)
Marta Prista (CRIA – NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST)
Patrícia Roque Martins (IHA – NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST)
Sónia Vespeira de Almeida (CRIA – NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST)




Cartaz do segundo congresso de História Pública em Portugal, “Usos do Passado nos 50 Anos da Revolução dos Cravos”. Museu do Aljube Resistência e Liberdade, 6 de 7 de Junho de 2024. O fundo do cartaz é uma foto de uma rua com calçada de pedra, ladeada por casas brancas e por um muro de pedra onde está grafitada a frase “25 Abril”.


Photo: © Cristina Pratas Cruzeiro



6 (Thursday) 10:00 am - 7 (Friday) 5:00 pm


Aljube Museum

Rua de Augusto Rosa, 42 — 1100-059 Lisbon


Several Institutions