IHC and Abrantes Municipality sign a collaboration agreement

IHC and Abrantes Municipality sign a collaboration agreement

On February 10, the City Council of Abrantes (CMA) and NOVA FCSH, through the Institute of History Contemporary (IHC), signed a Collaboration Agreement at the award-winning Duarte Ferreira Metal Industry Museum (MDF), in the village of Tramagal. The purpose of the...
IHC researchers receive award for the history of UGT

IHC researchers receive award for the history of UGT

Cristina Rodrigues and José Maria Brandão de Brito received an Honourable Mention in the 2018 edition of the António Dornelas Award, for their book “A UGT na história do movimento sindical português. 1990 ‐ 2010”. The book was published in 2017 by Edições Afrontamento...
Elisabete Pereira joins EUROCLIO project

Elisabete Pereira joins EUROCLIO project

IHC’s Elisabete Pereira has been selected to join EUROCLIO‘s project, Sharing European Histories, whose aim is to promote innovative historiographic approaches that motivate knowledge of European history with an inclusive framework. Her proposal was one of...
Práticas da História indexed by ERIH PLUS

Práticas da História indexed by ERIH PLUS

The journal Práticas da História – Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past, published by the IHC and CHAM – Centre for the Humanities, was accepted for indexing by the ERIH PLUS platform. ERIH PLUS is the European Reference Index for the...
Raquel Rato receives funding from Gulbenkian

Raquel Rato receives funding from Gulbenkian

The oral history project of Raquel Rato, titled “Palavras em Movimento: Testemunho Vivo do Património Cinematográfico” [Words in Motion: Living Witness of Cinematographic Heritage], was aproved for funding by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation within the...