IHC in solidarity with Mozambique

IHC in solidarity with Mozambique

Within the framework of the social responsibility assumed by the IHC and its fundamental mission towards research and education, the institute joined the campaign “Somos Moçambique”, which aims to raise funds to promote the resilience of schools and communities and...
Cláudia Ninhos receives exploratory funding from FCSH

Cláudia Ninhos receives exploratory funding from FCSH

The project “Os Trabalhadores Forçados Portugueses e Espanhóis no III Reich” [Portuguese and Spanish Forced Workers in the III Reich], coordinated by Cláudia Ninhos, was one of the projects supported by the 6th Edition of the Exploratory Funding Competition for...
Digital platform promotes oral history of Portuguese cinema

Digital platform promotes oral history of Portuguese cinema

The digital platform Palavras em movimento — Testemunho Vivo do Património Cinematográfico [Words on the Move – Living Witness of Film Heritage] was launched last week by Raquel Rato, coordinator of the project of the same name, whose first aim is to create a...
Tânia Casimiro receives award for her international publications

Tânia Casimiro receives award for her international publications

Past Wednesday, Tânia Manuel Casimiro received the Santander Prize for the Internationalisation of Scientific Production from NOVA FCSH, during the celebration of the 41st Anniversary of the higher education institution. The award aims at “distinguishing the...