Adrião Filho

Adrião Filho

Culture — Power, Mediations, and Arts Contact: Curriculum Vitae Biography I am a poet, researcher, writer, and composer. And, by force of the verb to survive, I also became a bachelor in Law, always militating in the labour area: I worked at FECOMBASE...
Marta Pinto Machado

Marta Pinto Machado

Culture, Identities, and Power Contact: Personal webpage Curriculum Vitae Biography Marta Machado is Portuguese-Cape Verdean. She lives and works in Braga. She has a Master in Photography from the School of Arts of the Catholic...
Daniel Freire Santos

Daniel Freire Santos

Culture — Power, Mediations, and Arts Curriculum Vitae Biography Licenciado em História em 2017 (NOVA FCSH) e mestre em Museologia e Museografia em 2021 (FBAUL), o meu percurso académico sempre se pautou por um interesse no campo que denominaremos como História...
Sofia Lisboa

Sofia Lisboa

Culture, Identities, and Power Contact: Curriculum Vitae Biography Degree in History at NOVA FCSH, Master in Contemporary History at the same institution, with two periods of studies in Paris-IV (Sorbonne), where she deepened themes related...
João Luiz dos Santos Junior

João Luiz dos Santos Junior

Science: Studies of History, Philosophy, and Scientific Culture Contact: Curriculum Vitae Biography MsC in Anthropology (Contemporary Topics) at the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities. In Brazilian institutions, he has a...
João Luís Sequeira

João Luís Sequeira

Economy and Society Contact: Academia Curriculum Vitae Biography Graduated and Master in Archaeology from the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities, doctoral student in History – Heritage at the University of Minho under the...