Sakiru Adebayo in Lisbon

Oct 3, 2023 | News

Sakiru Adebayo, winner of the Amílcar Cabral Prize 2022, will be in Lisbon next week, taking part in various events organised by the IHC and the Padrão dos Descobrimentos / EGEAC.

On Monday 9 October, he will take part in the meeting Musealization, Power and Colonialism, which will take place at the Padrão dos Descobrimentos and aims to analyse and discuss two central institutions of modernity: the prison and the museum. Sakiru Adebayo will close the meeting with a lecture centred on the carcerality of museums, i.e. how museums and prisons share characteristics and function according to a similar logic.

On 11 October, at the Almada Negreiros College, he will present the lecture Ethical Afropolitanism: Reading Africa’s Mobile Subjects in Helon Habila’s Travellers, with a commentary by Manuela Ribeiro Sanches. In this instance, he will examine “the possibility of ethical relations between privileged and underprivileged African subjects in the West.” Using the gaze of an Afropolitan, Helon Habila, and his book Travellers, he will analyse the ethical dimensions of the representation of African refugees.

The African literature scholar was awarded the prize for his paper “The black soul is (still) a white man’s artefact? Postcoloniality, post-Fanonism and the tenacity of race(ism) in A. Igoni Barrett’s Blackass“, published in the journal African Studies in 2020. In 2021, in its first edition, the Amílcar Cabral Prize was awarded to Esmat Elhalaby, from the University of Toronto, with a paper on Wadi’ Al-Bustani. The Amílcar Cabral Prize aims to “promote scientific research and public debate on anti-colonial resistance and colonial processes that mark the history of the world, from the 15th century to the present day”.


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