IHC studies the history of the Portuguese graphic industry

Jul 21, 2022 | News

The IHC started a research project, funded by APIGRAF, the Portuguese Association of Graphic and Paper Processing Industries, with the aim of studying the history of the graphic industry in Portugal.

The multidisciplinary team consists of Cláudia Figueiredo, Rahul KumarJoana Dias Pereira, José Neves, and Nuno Medeiros. The project combines APIGRAF’s objectives, which include the preservation and appreciation of its historical memories, and the promotion and dissemination of the role of the graphic industry in Portugal from the 19th century onwards, with the IHC’s mission of historical-scientific research and a commitment to promoting close relationships with social agents.

The final result will be the publication of two books, as well as the organisation of an international conference. The books will focus on two main topics: the reconstitution of the origin of the graphic associative movement and the preservation of its historical memory; the relevance of the graphic industry in teaching, education, culture (in its various expressions), society and economy, as well as its technological evolution.

The associative movement of graphic industrialists completes 170 years in 2022, since the first organized associative manifestations date back to at least the year 1852, with the Sociedade de Soccorros dos Typographos Portuenses [Relief Society of Porto’s Typographers] (1 January 1852) and the Associação Typographica Lisbonense [Lisbon Typographic Association] (28 July 1852).


Picture credit: Bank Phrom on Unsplash


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