IHC Digital Humanities Lab organises “Portuguese embassy” at DH2023

Jun 22, 2023 | News

The IHC Digital Humanities Lab, coordinated by Daniel Alves, is organising the Portuguese “embassy” at DH2023, which will take place in Graz, Austria, next July.

DH2023 is the world’s largest Digital Humanities conference, organised by the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations. This year, under the theme “Collaboration as Opportunity”, the local organising committee decided to implement exhibition “embassies” to give visibility to the Digital Humanities from countries traditionally less represented at the annual conference.

In this sense, our Digital Humanities Lab proposed a “Portuguese embassy” and is currently collecting information about the presence of other national researchers at the conference, as well as representative materials of the work in Digital Humanities they develop in Portugal (flyers, links to projects, platforms, labs, courses, tools, etc.).

People interested in participating with the dissemination of their materials should contact the IHC Digital Humanities Lab (dhlab@fcsh.unl.pt).



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Institute of Contemporary History
Av. Berna, 26 C 1069-061 LISBOA
 Tel.: +351 21 7908300 ext. 1545
Email: ihc@fcsh.unl.pt


Monday to Friday
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