Elisabete Pereira joins international evaluation panel

Jun 20, 2024 | News

IHC board member Elisabete Pereira was invited to join the evaluation panel of the Franco-German Fund on the Provenance of Cultural Objects from sub-Saharan Africa.

The Fund was launched at the beginning of the year at the Centre Marc Bloch by the French Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs together with the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. It is scheduled to last three years and its aim is to research the provenance of cultural goods from sub-Saharan countries in French and German public institutions, which “hold substantial collections of cultural and artistic objects with great symbolic, artistic, historic or societal significance for the countries and societies of origin”.

Elisabete Pereira is currently coordinating the TRANSMAT project (Transnational Materialities (1850-1930): Reconstituting collections and connecting histories), the aim of which is precisely “to contribute to the compilation and systematisation of academic data on the circulation of cultural goods and their cultural, social and political significance”, using the transnational collections of the National Museum of Archaeology (Lisbon) and the Santos Rocha Municipal Museum (Figueira da Foz) as case studies.


Photo: © Diana Barbosa


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