Imprensa de História Contemporânea launches call for books

Imprensa de História Contemporânea launches call for books

Following the announcement, on 15 Novembre, of the first books to be published, the Editorial Board of the Imprensa de História Contemporânea [Contemporary History Press] opened a new period for proposal submission this week, which will be open until 31 December 2018...
Quintino Lopes wins an APHES award

Quintino Lopes wins an APHES award

Quintino Lopes received the APHES – Portuguese Association of Economic and Social History prize for International Publications by Young Researchers, for his article “The National Education Board (1929-36) and scientific research in Portugal“,...
The future of Contemporary History in debate

The future of Contemporary History in debate

The beginning of the new scientific strategic plan of the Institute of Contemporary History (IHC) serves as a motto for the meeting “Futuros da História – História Contemporânea” [Futures of History – Contemporary History] which will take place on 15...
Ana Isabel Queiroz in ESEH’s Nomination Committee

Ana Isabel Queiroz in ESEH’s Nomination Committee

Ana Isabel Queiroz was invited to join the European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) Nomination Committee by its President, Peter Szabo, who highlighted that she is an “experienced and highly regarded researcher with an extensive network among...
The IHC hosts seven new researchers

The IHC hosts seven new researchers

The results of the Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology were announced on Monday, and the IHC has achieved seven new positions, out of 43 applications submitted – a success rate of 16%, above...
José Neves receives fellowship from the British Academy

José Neves receives fellowship from the British Academy

José Neves, an IHC researcher and History professor at NOVA FCSH, was one of this year’s receivers of the Visiting Fellowship of the British Academy. Over the next few months, he will develop a research project at the Department of Politics and International...