Catarina Laranjeiro premieres film at Doclisboa

Catarina Laranjeiro premieres film at Doclisboa

Fogo no Lodo, directed by Catarina Laranjeiro and Daniel Barroca, will premiere at the Doclisboa — 21st International Film Festival on 22 October at Cinema São Jorge, in the Portuguese Competition. The documentary portrays the Guinean town of Unal, a village of rice...
Sakiru Adebayo in Lisbon

Sakiru Adebayo in Lisbon

Sakiru Adebayo, winner of the Amílcar Cabral Prize 2022, will be in Lisbon next week, taking part in various events organised by the IHC and the Padrão dos Descobrimentos / EGEAC. On Monday 9 October, he will take part in the meeting Musealization, Power and...
Aniki and HoST indexed by Scopus

Aniki and HoST indexed by Scopus

The journals Aniki: Revista Portuguesa da Imagem em Movimento and HoST – Journal of History of Science and Technology, both published with the support of the IHC, were accepted for indexing by the Scopus platform. Aniki was founded in May 2013 by the Portuguese...
Sue Onslow is IHC’s 2023 Visiting Scholar

Sue Onslow is IHC’s 2023 Visiting Scholar

British historian Sue Onslow is the third IHC Visiting Scholar, an IHC programme whose aim is to promote a short programme of research and advanced training activities each year by an international historian. Sue Onslow is a leading academic in the field of Cold War...
IHC opens exhibition on Stefan Rozenfeld

IHC opens exhibition on Stefan Rozenfeld

The exhibition “Chamem-me Stefan!” [Call me Stefan!], which tells the life story of Stefan Rozenfeld, will open on 21 September at the Carregal do Sal Secondary School. Born into a Jewish family, Stefan was five years old when Germany invaded his country, Poland....
Position statement from the IHC Scientific Committee

Position statement from the IHC Scientific Committee

On 12 September, at a meeting of the IHC’s Scientific Committee, it was unanimously decided to send a letter to the publisher Routledge expressing its position on the withdrawal of the chapter “The Walls Spoke When No One Else Would. Autoethnographic notes...